Women Empower Women 2014 Healthy Goals

Are you getting pumped for the NEW YOU?

I sure am. So much I created a vlog.

Please, be easy on me.

So now that we covered my goals, what are YOUR goals?

What does healthy mean to you? What do you want to improve on?  Come on, we all have things we can work on and no, I’m not talking about…

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Even though, that’s ALL I think about…dark chocolate, white chocolate, caramel in chocolate, chocolate covered cherries. Whatever. I love it all.

Back to reality, it’s important to write your goals. What do you want in life? We all make our life what we want it to be. When I’m unhappy with something, I think of all the functions. I mean, I think what may be the problem, what can change it, try new solutions.

Life is too short to be unhappy, make the most of it that you can. Period.

After you write your goals, then write your obstacles. What stands in your way?

For me, I don’t have a single babysitter. I have lots of solutions but I have to be active in my search to find a new way or solution.

Life’s really not that complicated, the bulb sometimes just needs to light up.

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Finally step 3, write your solutions! VERY VERY IMPORTANT. You can achieve more when you know what is up ahead. Bring that to the table.


Let’s empower each other on this journey. You or I am not in it alone. We are together.

Are you with me?

Let me know either:

A) What’s your healthy goals for 2014?


B) What obstacles are in your way and HOW are you going to overcome them?

Because you can and we can moving one step at a time.