Our Blue Day: A day of toddler blue activities

Some days I have blue days. Yes, they are there. No matter how content I am with life, sometimes events bring my mood down. On this particular day, I was having a real blue day. I could not get out of my funk so I decided to join it. Join in the blue that was making me so blue. To my surprise, we all had a ball of a blue day.

Our first blue project was a scavenger hunt. A blue one of course! The kids are no stranger to the construction colored brown bags. Nope. We use them when we are outside all the time. It’s easy, grab piece of colored construction paper and cut it down to the size of a paper bag, then glue it on the front. The color lets the child know what colored objects he/she is looking for then they can store them conveniently in their bag!

blue day 2

Yes, the kids tore up everything looking exactly for items that were colored blue! Nothing new. Apparently, we love to clean toys all day long in our home 🙂 (hahaha, just kidding!)

After we searched through toy bins, magnet boards, in trains and under sofas, our scavenger hunt was complete!

The scavenger hunt not only helped their eye-hand coordination but also helped Miss 2 really know what color blue was. I always ask, “What color is this?” and Mr 4 is the first to shout the answer. Although I am quite aware that Mr 4 knows his colors, I wasn’t too sure about Miss 2. This activity helped reinforced both of their knowledge of colors.

Here are their complete scavenger hunt collections:

blue day 3

I placed them in bins for learning activity number 2: Blue Sensory Bins!

With a quick set up of the objects and a little blue food coloring to the water, they were diving right in the ocean.

blue day 4

I did say dive and ocean, I hope this photo proves our waves:

blue day 6

The children used their imaginations where Mr 4 was at the bottom of the ocean and Miss 2 was giving her toys a bath.

I like to use sensory bins at least three times a week in our home school to help further their creativity, develop fine motor skills, develop cognitive skills and to learn self control. There are so many wonderful ways to explore and have fun with sensory bins. One of my most memorable sensory bin was the Shaving Cream Party. I can’t even explain what an awesome mess that turned out to be!

To end our evening, we took their small sensory bins and explored them on a larger scale, in the bath tub. We had lots of fun! You know you have a winning experience when the water turns cold and yet the children still want to play!

I even added some blue paint and paint brushes. The “paint” was actually liquid soap (body wash) plus a drop of blue food coloring and a splash of water. They used their paint brushes and made blue flowers, circles, train tracks and more. The possibilities are unlimited! I really wanted to spell the word blue for them with blue lettering but I was pushing the envelope. We only had select letters that were blue!

I do believe we are going to have another colored day. We had so much fun with our blue activities that it turned out not to be blue day at all! Perhaps a yellow or red day is coming up….

How do you teach your children to learn colors?

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