Shaving Cream Party – Sensory Tub

I have arrived! Bringing all my fun, mess and glory to you. This is what I realize. I have looked through many sensory tub sites, many, and all the fun ones seem to have a disastrous mess. This mom has a hard time with mess. It doesn’t scream “fun” to me like most moms may think. Instead it screams, “you will be cleaning up this mess a lot longer than they are interested in play with it….” So I brought my husband in for the fun. Wink. Wink.

You may ask why I keep trying these sensory tubs if I complain so much. Well, that’s simple, some people just like to complain. Just kidding. 1. Sensory tables are fabulous educational tools 2. I want to give my children some fun 3. I’m bored, a big pet peeve of mine. Next to cleaning I think.

This sensory tub is filled with the mess of shaving cream. My son and daughter love to push cars, trains, busses you name it. If it has four wheels, they are happy as hippos. (Are hippos happy? I’m assuming so. In the game, Hungry Hungry Hippo, they always had a “half” smile look.) Back to the good stuff now. This sensory box is simple. Cars and shaving cream. How much better could it possibly get? Remember, I conveniently waited for my husband to arrive….

The first five minutes, I thought the stars were aligned for some clean fun. After al,l my daughter was disgusted at the touch of shaving cream. She has some sensory problems we are working through. 😉

My son was studying it. Interested in the feel. Curious but not overly excited…at first.

My daughter…still unsure. But uh-oh, looks like my son is starting to enjoy this stuff.

I’m pretty sure the next photos speak for themselves…

(The arm shaving cream rub)

(Here comes the shaving cream monster!)

And you know how I waited for my husband? Because double power to clean is better. He’s smart and thinks like a fun kid too.  The shaving cream was a mess. Everywhere on the deck. Everywhere on the kids. If you need a quick clean, just get out the hose!

Shaving cream sensory is a winner in my book. I would absolutely do it again. With the help of my rainman husband of course!