Salads and Balance #training #halfmarathon

Switching my rest day yesterday, I had to work my ST (strength training) into this evening. After figuring out the TV, I was busily working my core with bells and whistles on.  I’m tired, I’m beat. My daughter woke up screaming, my DVD skipped, I was going to give up,  but I kept plugging along. I actually really love working out my invisible six-pack. I always feel like I have one until I look down.

It’s not always easy finding the time to exercise, but I make sure to fit it in every day that I need to. It’s a priority that I have made for myself so I must balance my time. Tonight it’s 10pm and I made sure to fit in the ST workout.

But that doesn’t mean that I over look my other responsibilities either. After all, being a mom is my first priority. Duties also include…please hold back your jealousy….002

lots of laundry!!!!

I was so mad at myself for not doing three days worth of clothes! (Head smack!) I normally do one full load daily to keep up, but with our family schedule this week, I missed THREE days.

Being mama, I look at my home as a job. There are lots of responsibilities that need to be completed daily including the emotional aspect. Such things would include: laundry, sweeping (after every meal), dishes, making beds, putting all toys away before leaving a room. These are the rules of the house. We also do crafts, physical and play activities as well.

As with any job, I have to take time for me and my family. Sometimes I actually schedule time with myself. Knowing that there is a blocked time in the scheduling book  forces me to use that time for what it was intended for. In fact, I go through my schedule  book prior to the next day, planning activities and fitting chores in as well. (Yes, our meals are planned for the week too.)

I think I may just have a scheduling problem.

It is so important to find balance no matter what is going on in life. I know when my husband works very long hours, I steer clear. Both of our balances are off and I prefer him to get some sleep before a conversation!

Life doesn’t always go as planned, sometimes we have to make adjustments. But I highly recommend to establish what your priorities are first, have a plan and then take action. More than not, life goes pretty smoothly.

I also recommend making a delicious salad. I just feel like you can’t go wrong when there’s a big, delicious, summer salad sitting in front of your eyes…


With fresh vegetables and fruits in the summertime, I love eating a colorful salad for lunch. Today was double whammy when I made this one for dinner. I even included big chunks of baguette. Oh my yum! Who doesn’t like bread in their salad? Come on?

What do you love in your salad?