Pea, Fennel and Mint Soup with Homemade Garlic Croutons


Yay! My first recipe in a long time. It made me feel SOO good to be in the kitchen again!

This week, I had a reminder lesson of Food and Energy 101. Sometimes a “refresher” course is greatly appreciated! Energy is all around us. In the Earth, in each other and in our food! You know the saying, “You are what you eat?” Well, this is true. When you think of the food that is made at a fast food joint, has the food been processed, beaten, smashed, right? Think of the energy that is being placed into that item. Was it slabbed on the bread? Was the person making it angry? Neglecting? Not interested? The energy transferred from the person to the food and then the process the food underwent are all transfers of energy. When our bodies are not given good energy, it makes us left feeling sluggish and tired. Being reminded this lesson is what made me want to make something wholesome for my family. I made this soup cutting each piece with calmness and at ease. I wanted to add the Earth’s goodness with a positive minded energy to provide my family with a refreshing feeling.


Roughly 1-2 olive oil

2 medium shallots, sliced thin

3 scallions, sliced thin (white and green parts)

1 medium fennel bulb sliced thin

2 garlic cloves, minced

24 oz frozen peas (Two, 12 oz. frozen containers)

4 cups organic vegetable stock

1/4 cup chopped fresh mint

Sea salt and Peppercorns

(See Garlic Crouton recipe)

Recipe follows:

1. Add olive oil to a deep nonstick pan (or large sauce pan) over medium heat. When oil is warm, take a paper towel and rub out the excess oil. (You really don’t need all of that oil! Only a little for flavor!)

2. Add shallots, scallions, fennel and garlic to the pan. Saute for 6-8 minutes until tender


3. Add peas to the pot. Cook for a few minutes, turning the mixture over a few times.

4. Add vegetable stock and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

5. Cool soup then add mint. (I placed in a big bowl and into the freezer for ten-fifteen minutes.)

6. Use a food processor or an immersion blender. (I love the immersion blender!)

7. Serve in soup bowls, add GARLIC CROUTONS (Look up Garlic Croutons in search section)

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