Day 9 of 21: Juicing Challenge – Beet This

Let’s talk about sex. I know, I can’t believe I am even going there but please, grab a glass of wine, this is going to be good. I’m sure you may have heard that eating a piece of dark chocolate is an aphrodisiac but did you know beets are too? Yup, they sure are! Beets contain high amounts of boron which is related to the production of sex hormones. Now, what is sexier than juicing and feeling sexy? Maybe they are red for a reason and filled with passion! Holla! Okay, goofball, I know.

Beets also do the following:

  • Have lots of nutrients and vitamins
  • Works as a purifier for blood
  • Help clean the liver
  • Help lower blood pressure
  • Help depression (contains betaine)
  • Use scientifically for testing stomach acids
  • Help lose weight
  • Full of fiber

Can you beat that? So please go beet this drink!


  • 4 Carrots
  • 1/2 beet
  • handful of parsley
  • 1/2 lemon without peel
  • 1 stalk of celery

Make according to manufacturers instructions.

I have to admit, this is my first time ever touching, seeing, smelling a beet! Crazy, I know. I’ve seen them in jars but haven’t eaten one yet….only juiced. I love its luscious and deep color and the taste, wow, it’s must be all those natural sugars that makes it so sweet. Now that I have them and I need some recipes! Any good beet recipes out there??

Let’s continue on til tomorrow. I can’t wait to find some new wholesome foods to place in my juicer. Have you been following along?

So, what is to this 21-Day Juice Challenge? It’s simple. If you want to participate, you can do so by either juicing every day or when you want! There’s no set time or what should be in your juice! It’s entirely up to you. I simply want to empower you to do something good for yourself. Some people don’t have enough time to eat 5-10 servings of fruit and vegetables a day – some people don’t eat any – this is a fast way to be sure that you are receiving great benefits of juicing! As I have mentioned, you will receive lots of nutrients, vitamins and more.

You may ask why 21 days. Studies have shows that it takes 21 days to create a habit, which means something you do daily. I want this to be a healthier part of our lives together. If you feel compelled, please join me in this journey and we can juice together! What is your favorite juice? Facebook me at and let’s talk or feel free to leave a comment below.


One comment

  1. Sunithi says:

    Nice ! Always knew there was a reason I loved beet juice ! Great job on juicing everyday Amber. I missed the weekend, but back now ( weekdays) Done mostly celery , apple ginger combo. I should probably make it more interesting by doing some variety !!

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