FaQ Guidelines of Challenge

Welcome to the Whole Foods and Gluten Free Family Challenge!

Here are the guidelines and a little bit of what you can expect on the challenge:

Anything that is real food!

If it comes in a box with a long list of ingredients, it’s probably not the right source of energy for you! If it comes from a garden, the trees and outside, then it’s more than likely okay! Let’s explore:

  • fruits (fresh and dried)
  • vegetables
  • nuts and seeds
  • *** gluten free or whole grains *** depending upon your bodies needs
  • Sugars: honey, dates, maple, brown rice (applesauce can sometimes be replaced with sugar when baking)
  • Beans: canned or packaged
  • Organic meat
  • Non-dairy milk (almond, rice etc.)
  • Eggs
  • Dairy products


  • Chemicals
  • Additives
  • Boxed items with unfamiliar ingredients

Why take on the WF, GF Family Challenge?

It is my hope to help others learn to take care of their body through eating nutritious whole foods. Only then can the body be at its peak performance. By taking on the WF (whole foods), GF (gluten free) family challenge, I invite you to make a difference in your life. Start with small steps and see where it takes you and/or your family.

What does the WF, GF Family Challenge consist of?

Taking small steps. Learning to incorporate new habits, does not happen over night. If I came through your kitchen and eliminated all your normal intake, you may take a step back and scream…Eeek! Yikes! It’s a process that will take patience and time. Look how far you have already come by just reading this page. You already took a step – congratulations!

Each week will consist of a new challenge. (Here here for week 1) Some challenges may be harder than others. If it’s not a challenge, then skip it and go to another week. They are in no particular order. The goal is to eat whole and gluten free foods – it doesn’t matter the path you pave to get there.

Can I eat WF, GF on a budget?

Absolutely and I’m going to show you how! A good start would be to eat seasonal foods and consuming less meat!

What makes this a Family Challenge?

I know what it’s like firsthand to experience struggles in helping my family transition to eating healthier foods. This challenge is different as there will be family challenges as well. We will tackle obstacles such as picky eater, budget-friendly, kid-friendly, etc. to help provide a smoother transition for all.

What if I have a question?

Please email me at mamasblissfulbites@gmail.com  I love to talk to people! Also be sure to like Mama’s Blissful Bites on Facebook through all of my followings. Want me to get opinions of others? No problem. I’ll post it as a status, just let me know.

You can also join the Whole Foods, Gluten Free Challenge Group on Facebook which offers “real people response”, future recipes, insights and more.

Think you’re ready to take on the challenge? Make a pledge! Commit to whole grains, gluten free diet for seven days. That’s right – one full week! Can you do it? I know you can!

To receive weekly tips and tricks on how to transition from the SAD (Standard America Diet) to whole foods and for recipes, sign up for the newsletter or follow the WF, GF Family Challenge on Pinterest!

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