How far do you go to make your child happy?

The famous question, at what moment do parents become suckers?

I think I was there today. Really…I know I was.

The look of disappointment from Mr 4 was unbearable when I told him I had to return the train we just bought for the Christmas tree.

“It doesn’t stay on the track honey, we have to take it back, ” I explained, but his face grew an even bigger frown.

“I promise you, when the train show comes, we will buy you a new train. One that stays on the track!”

Even though, we bought a pricey train for the tree, it still didn’t work properly. I was as bummed as he was.

We waited a few weeks and finally the big train show day arrived.

Of course, it didn’t come without some challenges…


Like Maryland’s first snow day of the year.

The weather man said 1-2″ so I wasn’t worried about it until we got on the unploughed highways.

It was a fun drive to say the least.

The twenty minute ride took an hour and a half. At one point, I even suggested we just go home..but that wouldn’t have been adventurous. No way. We like to live on the edge right? (eeek!)

After seeing so many people stuck on the highways, flashers on, shovels out, I decided it wasn’t worth it. I told Mr 4, I thought it may be closed? Hubby was not having that, so we continued our long, scary journey in the icy (now) snow.

Finally, we made it successfully. I always love those moments when we reach our destination.

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You see, there’s WAY more than 1-2″ there. Lots more….someone must have skipped a few inches on their forecast?

Anyways, this photo is for you, because I felt like saying hello and my husband doesn’t understand why I take “selfies.”

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So, “HELLO!”

(I obviously have to figure out where I’m looking at…anyways!)

We were here and getting a new train for the Christmas tree. That made this mama and her cubs very happy.

When we walked in, the lady said we didn’t have to pay because of the snow… BONUS, two thumbs up!

Seeing the children look so happy, made me happy. After all, that’s why we were there.

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After two minutes of being there, an announce came on that vendors can leave because of the storm  snow.

head slap

So, that’s what they did. Everyone started packing up and so we left too.

I could tell how are trip got even more exciting and how we got stopped by a train…

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or we were the only ones on the road. (This is a pretty good indication that we should have just STAYED home)

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But I think you had enough reading of how our adventures were going…so I leave you with the best thing I know how to do…another selfie.

This one is for you, hubby. With a kiss from your wacky wife.

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See and I still don’t know where to look at the darn camera! Ugh, will work on it. 😉

Question of the Day:

How far have your gone to make your child happy? Am I the only one?