DIY First Board Game for Preschoolers

Did you know that you can create educational opportunities in your home without spending a dime? It’s true. Learning opportunities are around every corner, it just takes a little creativity to find and create them.

When I was a new mama for the first time, I purchased the best of best items for my son that we could afford. In theory, I wanted to give the  best to him, so I tried to show him through the items that I purchased. Do you think he noticed that his toys were made by high-end, brand-named companies? Probably not. It not only made our money situation tighter but in the scheme of things, it didn’t really matter either. No matter what toy is given to a child, they are constantly learning. They are studying, discovering, exploring and thus learning.

This fun game is not only educational but (obviously) frugal as well. Look around your house at the objects you have. Can that empty can be turned into the “telephone game,” or the blankets sitting on the sofa lead you to a magical fort? What creativity do you have to turn ordinary everyday objects into magic?

board game 1

Supplies for this game:

  • Cardboard (I found a used pizza box)
  • Crayons/markers to create the maze
  • Die
  • Player pieces

Object of game:

Roll the die and move your pieces from start to finish. First one to cross the finish line wins! Yes, it’s that easy.

board 2

Make sure when creating your DIY board game, to color in every other space. It’s easier for a child to see what exactly one space represents.

This was an easy game for us adults but lots of fun for the kiddos. When playing, you are teaching your child:

  • number recognition
  • visual perception
  • eye-hand coordination
  • sharing, waiting for turn

Even Miss 2 got in on the action and loved throwing the die.

board 3

If you can recall the Learning to Count: Preschooler Math post, I used homemade dice as well. If you want a more challenging game for your preschooler, change the die from 6-sided numeric to a die with pips.

For game pieces we used wood pieces however you can use anything you can find in your home. How about paper clips, pom poms, pennies, beads? The list goes on. It only depends upon how creative you and your child are!

Let the games begin!