Eco-friendly Ways to Scrub Your Home: #CTWW


You’ve heard of the term spring cleaning but how about fall cleaning? It’s time to clean up house and get ready for those colder months to move in! This week our #CTWW group is discussing how to prepare your home for winter by checking all the seals around doors and windows in your home. This properly ensures the warm air to be trap inside and not wasted!

It also keeps toxins in the home as well. Using non-toxic cleaning products are a sure way to go to breath a little safer.

The best Eco-friendly cleaning solution?

A simple vinegar and baking soda mix should work on most cleaning surfaces.

To Clean Your Sink:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda on your sink, then scrub using a toothbrush or bristle sponge.
  2. Pour a small cup of vinegar around the sink to complete the task.

To Clean Your Garbage Disposal:

  1. Pour baking soda down the disposal
  2. Follow with a cup of vinegar
  3. Put a lemon or two in the drain, then turn it on. It’s refreshing!

To Clean Walls and Tubs:

  1. Add liquid soap, baking soda, vinegar and water (to dilute) to a water bottle.
  2. Shake, shake, shake and use!

Bonus: If you don’t like the scent of vinegar, add an essential oil. I like to add citrus or lavender.

Okay, this is not an affiliated post at all, but I wanted to share another secret weapon that I love:

Lavender Liquid Soap - 8 oz.

Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, need I say more?

From body washing to cleaning floors, laundry detergent and even shampoo this is my go to product. I love everything about this product (it’ doesn’t contain Sodium Lauryl Sulfate either!) and we go through it fairly quickly. You can pick up a bottle at a health store or find a store locator online.

What Eco-friendly products do you use to scrub your home?