Food Waste Challenge with #CTWW

As you know, I owe my MBB readers thirty Eco-friendly ideas.


Well, I have joined full force with Reduce Footprints and am taking their Change The World Wednesday Challenge!  Each Wednesday, we will bring you a new challenge. Won’t you join me in helping our Earth get back to a better place?

Zero Waste Week (in the UK) is just around the corner and Mrs. Green has challenged us to become more aware of our food waste. Have you ever noticed how much food is wasted daily? Ever think of where it goes or what steps can be taken to prevent such waste?

This week, take note either mentally or in a diary to notice how much food is being wasted.

Ideas to save food waste:

  • Make less of a dish. By the time it takes to make more, you will really know if you are hungry or not
  • Eat leftovers
  • If you don’t eat leftovers, give dinner to a neighbor (That adds bonus points too. You know, just in case you need a cup of milk.)
  • Start a compost
  • If you’re child doesn’t eat the whole cereal bowl, give them less food to start (that’s a personal improvement!)
  • Start listening to your body for messages of hunger level

Not only will you be more aware of how much food is wasted but it will also bring more awareness to your hunger level and may save a few extra bucks in the wallet. Not a bad first challenge to take!

So are you with me?

Here’s the task:

Think ahead and prepare your meals. Think of the trash and try not to over cook or waste. You are just one person on this Earth. Now think how much wasted food all of us added up equals. YIKES! We can make a big difference if we all pitch in together.

Join me next Wednesday for results and another Eco-friendly Challenge!