Discover Wholefoods

What are Wholefoods?

According to, the definition of wholefoods are:

  • food that has been refined or processed as little as possible and is eaten in its natural state, such as brown rice, wholemeal flour, etc

This means any food that is in its whole form. You can easily identify these foods by looking at the list of ingredients on the back of packages. If it has a word you are unfamiliar with, than it’s probably processed and not a wholefood.

Examples of wholefoods are:

  • vegetables and fruits (Be sure to choose a variety of fruits and vegetables and remember to make a rainbow! Include all spectrums from purples to blues to whites and red so on!
  • meats (When possible, purchase directly from a butcher. Buying packaged meats still leaves the question of what is actually in the meat. Purchase grass-fed or organic if your budget allows)
  • grains that are complete (such as brown rice and whole wheat)

Key clues:

  • Remember if you can’t pronounce the ingredients, it’s probably not good for you!
  • If you ever have any questions regarding a product, call the company. Even if the package says spices you should look into it.
  • When you know your food and where it came from, you are empowering yourself and your body!
  • Eliminate white sugars from your diet and replace them with natural sugars.
  • Eat few or eliminate all processed foods
  • Elminate sugary beverages

Organic vs Conventional

If your budget can allow you, try to purchase organic foods. Even if you eat 6 vegetables, that’s six vegetables filled with pestisides and harmful chemicals. Start to transition and lean towards organics to give your body the best you can. Besides vegetables and fruits, you can also purchase organic meats. For example, according to wikipedia organic beef qualifies as the following:

  • Born and raised on certified organic pasture
  • Never receive antibiotics
  • Never receive growth-promoting hormones
  • Are fed only certified organic grains and grasses
  • Must have unrestricted outdoor access

Please note that the words “natural” and “organic” are not interchangable. Always look for the words grass-fed vs grain-fed. Grain fed produces cattle with a higher percentage of fat. (According to Wikipedia, click here.)


Again, if your budget allows you, purchase organic milk and cheeses. (I’m not talking about packaged string cheese either!) By purchase organic milk, you are assured that the cattle was allowed to graze and was fed an organic diet. (According to Wikipedia, click here.) In addition, not treated with most drugs, including the growth hormone.

These are basic guidelines for what’s included in a wholefoods diet.

Extra tips and tricks:

Purchase seasonal food! You will receive the best quality if you choose to eat a fruit and/or vegetable that is in season.

Purchase locally! Support your local farms for all of their hard work and delicious food! When purchasing near to the source, you are maintaining a higher nutritional level and the food is not sitting while being transported through shipping. It’s a win-win for us all.