Finding Purpose and Dreaming

Have you ever thought that there is something bigger than what you are doing now? A purpose to follow. A calling if you will. How do you determine what that is? Do you look at what you are passionate about? Or perhaps your skills that you have obtained? Maybe its determined based solely on your instincts? I know some people who know what they want to do or who they want to become before they are in grade school. An interest in fire trucks and ladders have made them into firefighters or teaching stuffed animals fundamental lessons has brought them to their destiny of becoming an educator. What about the people who still stride to figure out what their purpose is? Have you ever had a burning desire to be something greater than what you have achieved? Or is this only me?

In school, I have been taught lessons of mathematics, English, science so on and so forth but what about a broader spectrum? Now-a-days, it’s great that schools are offering programs to further passions. For example, my high school provided cosmetology, building and even cooking. I know cooking right? I should have flown into that program but I was held back with the perception that business is the way to go. Now, I absolutely don’t underestimate the value in learning business skills. Without the vigorous class, I wouldn’t have received my Microsoft Word Certificate, or know how to type 70+ words per minute or how important it is to be on time. I hated getting a late mark! Those are skills that I will never forget and use quite often to this day. But what about classes to fill the desire that lies within our hearts? How do you figure out what path is for you?

Look at your past. I had to look back at my jobs and figure out what I love and who I am. I love to socialize. Not because I love to hear me, but because I really enjoy making connection with people. People to me are very fascinating. Connections are fascinating. Networking for a greater good is fantastic. One of my favorite jobs was working at a bingo hall. I did it for four years. Hearing other people’s stories of where they came from and how they got here today or just lending an ear gave me a sense of belonging. We are all connected, we just need to listen. Another job that I still currently have is being a consultant for Pampered Chef. From this, I realized that I love to be a speaker. Of course, I get nervous all the time when I start but I do get comfortable and find my flow. Getting up in front of a crowd used to bother me, but now I come to quite enjoy it. My first job was a cashier at Best Buy. Again, socializing with the public gives me satisfaction and I enjoyed having customers wait in my line just to talk to me. My past says, I need to be socializing! Furthermore, I love to blog. Since I have been in introduced to the blogging world, I have heard many goals and desires to this “business.” Which could very well be a business. It’s been close to two months that I have officially promoted Mama’s Blissful Bites. Writing is also something that I find works well with my soul.

Goals. Let’s be honest, if you want to get somewhere in life you need to have a plan and make steps aka goals to get there! Mary Ann works as a floor clerk at Baby Bucky’s on 5th street. (I don’t know, I made that up!) She shows up for work sometimes on time, sometimes not, sometimes in dress code, sometimes not, sometimes a little hung over. She makes ends meet and does her job. Now Mary Ann could show her potential and shine like the star she was meant to be if she had some guidance or some goals. Mary Ann wants to be a fashion designer at Baby Bucky’s and not a floor clerk. There’s not currently a position for a fashion designer but she presents the idea to her supervisor and not only does what is required of her but goes beyond. She dresses properly, shows up early and puts in all the effort she can for her position plus more. She starts chatting with the customers of how she can put together outfits for them and the customers have positive feedback. Her supervisor notices the amount of happy returning customers and offers Mary Ann a test run. Months later, it’s official, Mary Ann is the new and very first fashion designer for that company. Have goals. Have dreams. Be positive in the direction you want to take them to. Take baby steps to get you there.

Your skills. I truly believe that everything you and I have ever done has prepared us for where we are going to be in life. What are your skills? What have you learned? Find out what they are. Praise yourself for the skills you have. Don’t think that anything is too little to leave out. Skills can be obtained and never taken away. Develop those skills to the best of your ability. I worked in a corporate office for four years as an Executive Assistant and one of my tasks was taking phone calls. Many phone calls. I didn’t just answer the phone and say, “HOLD PLEASE!” Heck no. I developed a relationship with the caller and took my job very seriously. Eventually I was promoted to assisting not only the President and VP, but a Manager as well since I built a relationship with the clients. I could pin point what their needs were and cut down some “wasted” time for the sales team. I built a rapport by doing my job well. So what do you do well and can bring to the table? Remember, these are your skills and not Mary Ann’s!

Dream BIG. There is absolutely nothing wrong with dreaming but you are holding yourself back if you don’t dream BIG enough. As I started my blog last year, I was fascinated by taking pictures of my food. They weren’t and still aren’t great photos but its something I enjoy doing. I started getting serious about blogging two months ago. I have made lots of blogging friends along the way and I’m always curious to people’s goals. I kept hearing the same thing, “I want to make it big.” “Well, what is big?” I replied. “I want to make it where everyone knows my name and I have advertisers paying for me to blog! I love to blog!” The more I thought of this the more it sounded good. I started to check my number of “views” like crazy. Uh-oh, why didn’t anyone read my last post? Don’t they know how amazing my food is! What view number am I at now? I had to really gather my thoughts. This is not my goal, this is someone else’s big dream. For me, recognition and advertising is not my ultimate goal. To be honest, I hate looking at my view stats because it makes me judge myself. How well did I do? What does the world think of me? No. I can’t take that pressure. Although it is a great boost of self-esteem, although it makes me feel good to know someone is reading what I wrote, its just not my goal. I want something bigger. My dream would be to create connections and use this as a tool. If you want me to dream even BIGGER, I want to be on television doing a great good for someone or changing something. I want to travel across the country as a speaker. That would be my personal bigger dream. What is yours?

Vision Boards. A vision board is an amazing tool which helps you visualize your wants. My mom, who is also my guidance for a lot of things in life, creates a lot of boards. She even has vision board parties. You heard me right! A vision board is a collection of pictures, example: magazines, cut out and pasted on a board. You visualize that island you want to own or some words that inspire you. Hang it on your wall and remind yourself what you’re working towards daily. They even have electronic vision board on the internet too! A vision board party is where you call your friends and do it all together. You inspire each other!

Passion. Are you passionate about something in life? I know a girl who is an activist. I admire her for standing up in what she believes in. She is so passionate about showing awareness for a cause that it has not only influenced her life but became a part of who she is. People believe in her because she is so involved with the community and strong about her beliefs. My passion is to help people. In any way I can. I don’t know what it is but I know its right. Just as I’m writing this to you, my passion is to help. Perhaps this will get your wheels turning, perhaps you will make that vision board, perhaps you will try having goals. If I can make a difference in moving you towards a positive direction, it does ten fold to me.

We have this amazing opportunity to be what we can become and do what we can to do, shouldn’t we make the most out of it for ourselves? So many statuses on Facebook complain of hating their jobs. What do you love to do? Why not do something you are passionate about and make money from it? On paper, this looks pretty easy. (Or computer whatever.) The hardest part, at least to me, is finding that niche. I know it wasn’t taught in school but the skills I have are getting me to where I need to be. What are your dreams?